Bread and Breakfast

At one end of our street there is a traditional Asian corner shop. In the beginning, it was run by a lovely old Pakistani couple. After a while, they went home and their son, Taseer, took it over. In time, he refurbished the shop and took over several others. Taseer is one of the quarter’s guardian angels. He is in part barman, parish priest, teacher, and urban security officer. He has a friendly wink, smile and chat for everybody. He is very active in the local neighbourhood association, organising street parties and other initiatives. This morning we ate an opening Oxfam breakfast in his latest venture; Bread and Breakfast. The neighbourhood has been crying out for such a coffee shop/snack shop for a long time and if the crowds this morning are anything to go by, Taseer is onto a winner – and he deserves it! Bread and Breakfast, Taseer Mirza, 50 rue Thomas Vincotte, Schaerbeek.

1 Comment

  1. Bernhard

    Great hint!
    I will be there soon!

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