The Jacques Delors building

The Jacques Delors building

Long hours come with the territory. There’s no way out.  The days are full of meetings (all of them urgent, of course), leaving only the early mornings and the late evenings to deal with the mountains of files and torrents of e-mails. So most working days are fourteen hour affairs at the moment. That’s fine, but I do admit to one poignant moment in the evenings. At eight o’clock sharp the air conditioning is turned off and suddenly this building, the Jacques Delors building, goes very quiet and I start wondering what I can postpone to the next day so as to make my escape. I remember similar moments when I was in the complicated depths of programme management in the European Commission, and the thought consoles me. Throughout the EU’s institutions, the air-conditioning is going off and people are thinking about what they can postpone till tomorrow!