This evening we went to see Wim Wenders’ cinematic hommage to the German choreographer, Pina Bausch. The film started out as a collaborative effort but in June 2009 – just five days after diagnosis – Bausch died of an unspecified form of cancer. Wenders reportedly thought of abandoning the work, but went on to complete it with the help of her Tanztheatre Wuppertal troupe. Part (very short) interview-based documentary, part filmed performance of her works in the theatre and in choice locations, the film conveys the deep love she inspired in those she worked with and gives colourful tastes of her work. One or more biographies are surely on their way, and deservedly so. In the meantime one can only wonder at Bausch’s particular mixture of sombre analysis of the human condition (Café Müller) and joyous celebration of human diversity (Tanzträume).