Poetry on CD!

HopeIt has arrived; the Eynsford Concert Band’s latest CD, Heritage, including the recording of my poem, What Hope Saw. There’s no modest way to sound your own trumpet, but that’s enough about me, anyway. The Band have put in a very professional performance throughout and I particularly enjoyed their rendition of a series of Yiddish Dances. You can find out more about the CD and the recording experience at the Band’s website here. But on reflection what has struck me most about this experience is the selflessness, despite major investments of time and effort, of the composer, Nigel Clarke, and the conductor, John Hutchins. Though I was delighted to be involved in  the whole experience, Nigel’s piece, Heritage Suite, really didn’t need my poem to preface it. It is an accessible and witty piece of work that stands on its own two feet and one where he clearly went to considerable lengths to write for the Band and its members so that they, as well as the audience, would get maximum enjoyment out of the experience. And it was all done – the composing, the scoring, the conducting, the rehearsing, the performing, the recording – for charity!  Nigel’s piece will get its US premiere next month, performed by The University of Mississippi Wind Ensemble under the baton of Dr David Willson. I’m sure they and their audience will have fun.


  1. Mary Anne Mathews

    Can’t wait to receive the CD having been at the concert at Pilsdon. Also hoping to make it to Brussels later in the year,

  2. Martin

    I’m looking forward to hearing the Band again!

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