This evening I attended a surprise 50th birthday party for a friend and former squash team mate. A lot of our fellow dogs of war were present and a pleasant time was had by all. Our hosts were the epitome of English hospitality and even the bad weather was turned to humouristic advantage. Competitive squash used to be a very important part of my life. I spent a lot of time on court with my fellow old dogs, in training, in matches and, in our hey day, touring the country. It was great to see so many of them again for most, though not all, of us have long since hung up our rackets. Not for the first time, though, I found myself pondering the possible connection between squash and achievements off the court, for most of my squash contemporaries are now not just in management but senior and top management. I think there must be such a connection, for squash is about patience, endurance and spotting and seizing opportunities unhesitatingly when they arise.
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