OK, I admit it. What follows is shameless name dropping. We spent the day visiting the university. In the evening we ended up at my old college, University College (‘Univ.’), at the Master’s Lodgings. We were royally received by the Master, Sir Ivor Crewe, and his wife, Jill, but I hadn’t expected what ‘came next’. Every new student who comes to University College, Oxford, must ‘enroll’ in the College register. Though I had forgotten it, I did so, and Jill showed us what I had written, which was very touching. She then showed us the writings of some other, far more famous, ‘old boys’; Stephen Hawkings, for example. In the picture, though, is the writing of, arguably, one of Univ’s best known old boys, Bill Clinton, who came as a Rhodes scholar. As Jill pointed out, the chap who had decided to write in gothic script just two places above Bill will be forever remarked upon with a frequency he could never have imagined!