A gorilla gardener

One other article in the morning newspaper caught my eye: ‘Gardeners in crime’. Guerrilla gardeners – and there are apparently many of them ‘out there’ – transform scraps of wasteland into urban gardens. They do this surreptitiously because a lot of what they do is probably illegal. (Or was – Munich legalised guerrilla gardening in April which, I suspect, took some of the fun out of it.) And these clandestine gardeners are ingenious. The article cites a Canadian designer, Vanessa Harden, who has created precision weaponry for the cause. This includes a precision ‘bombing device’, disguised as a camera lens, that allows the user to ‘shoot seeds over fences, or to the fringe of railway tracks’. She even has a website with a You Tube clip (here). And here’s another website on the theme. Marvellous stuff.