Taft - an enlarged President

Taft - an enlarged President

No; the enlarged Presidency is not a medical condition. As I have sought to explain in previous posts on the subject, it is an informal body (composed of the President, the two Vice-Presidents, the three Group Presidents and the SG) that prepares the political ground for the Committee’s Bureau (its formal decision-making body). The enlarged Presidency met this morning, with a heavy agenda to cover and, almost inevitably, some agenda items had to be postponed to an additional meeting. Not for the first time, I found myself pondering the consequences of what I would call a ‘professionalisation’ of the Committee’s role and activities. Put another way, the Committee is busy, and getting busier, and yet its members are part-time volunteers. The limitations on our members’ time – which is only the flip side of their unique authenticity – can pose practical examples. Today was a good example of that.