I just made it this evening to the tail end of the prize-giving ceremony for the Committee’s annual video challenge, which has been a huge success this year. I was additionally happy because my personal choice (Zinnekes – If Europe was a word) won first prize. The young makers explained to me that it had cost them precisely 35 euros to make their video! The second prize winners (Ana Zamorano and Mixtel De Sousa’s Barre Barreras) were impressive also for their decision to hand their prize money to the Gugaz Lankidetzan programme (Nicaragua). The third prize-winners (Budapest team – It’s our European life) were equally deserving. What was impressive about these and many other of the entries was that they were literally the work of a group of young people with ideas and a camera. I liked ‘If Europe was a word’ in particular because the makers didn’t shy a away from the negative connations of Europe but they juxtaposed them with many positive connations also and the basic message was one of optimism and hope. The lovely picture shows our Vice-President, Anna Maria Darmanin, with all of the prize winners and jury members. Please go and see their videos here – it won’t take you long and they’re all good fun.
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