PianoMy father was a great fan of Prokofiev, and my mother of Chopin. But my love from an early age was always Debussy’s piano pieces, probably, I suspect, because of the six movements of Children’s Corner. So it was a great thrill when I was at last able to learn a relatively simple Debussy piece. Alas, the demands of the job long ago forced me to abandon the piano. Now I get my piano thrills indirectly, through our daughter, who has not only managed to keep up university studies but also her piano playing. At lunchtime today her piano teacher laid on a modest end-of-term concert for all of his pupils in his flat. It was an informal affair with an upright, as the picture shows, with delicious home-made food and drink afterwards. And our daughter played Debussy’s Doctor Gradus ad Parnassum. It’s difficult for me to describe the pleasurable sense of privilege I have felt in listening to this joyous piece ringing through our house during many hours of practice.