Art from Sweden

A Peter Dahl image

To the launching of an exhibition of Swedish art this evening, hosted by our new President, Staffan Nilsson. The art was all modern, though not all of it was contemporary, but it was all very enjoyable. The artists now up on our walls include Iris Causevic, Peter Aeström, Eva Nilsson, Sven Ljungberg, Sven Jonson, Lennart Rodhe, Peter Dahl, Josef Frank, Robert van Bolderick, Inga-Karin Eriksson and Erland Cullberg. The schools of art covered include expressionism, ‘concretism’ and the Halmstad group (surrealism) and the mediums include engravings, paint (oils and acrylics), prints and textiles. In other words, it is a very cleverly curated and rich exhbition and I am very happy that it is going to grace the walls of the flagship building of the Committee for the next two-and-a-half years.

1 Comment

  1. robert

    So you have found my art.
    Would be interesting to know which one you got.


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