As described in the previous post, I spent the whole day (literally) in interviewing candidates for a director’s post within the Committee’s secretariat. It’s a key position and we’re determined to get it right, and so I was accompanied in the advisory selection panel by a Director, two Heads of Unit and three of the Committee’s members (one for each Group). The fact that we are currently recruiting several directors makes all of this a little bit heavy for me and my current directors, since we have spent quite a lot of time sat in job interviews over the past month or so. But the real heroes of the day were our three members, who gave up a day out of their working lives to be with us. As Secretary General, I get paid a salary whether I am sitting in a selection panel or in my office. But our three members get paid their travel costs and a per diem and have to pay the opportunity cost of not being back in their own organisations or businesses. That they should have been present from 08.30 till 18.30 on a Friday to help the Secretary General in making a key strategic choice is yet another illustration of their commitment.
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