The second day of the EESC’s April plenary session saw seven opinions successfully debated and adopted. Themes covered included: sustainable production and consumption in the EU (an exploratory opinion for the current Danish Presidency, rapporteur = An Le Nouail, Employees’ Group/France); public procurement and concession contracts (rapporteur = Miguel Angel Crabra de Luna, Various Interests Group/Spain); recognition of professional qualifications and administrative cooperation (rapporteur = Arno Metzler, Various Interests Group/Germany); and European Venture Capital Funds (rapporteur = Anna Nietyksza, Employers’ Group/Poland). Some of the subjects and certainly some of the amendments  were potentially controversial but President Staffan Nilsson’s wit – at work in the illustration – gentlily defused even the thorniest issues. And so the plenary ended on time, leaving us all with a gentle sense of euphoria and relief. Thanks to the members and the colleagues, another job well done!