In the evening I joined the President, Vice-President Anna Maria Darmanin, the Group Presidents and various members to welcome the youthful participants in this year’s edition of Your Europe, Your Say!. Selection of the lucky participants took place in early December with names being drawn at random, from among 933 applicants. The 27 chosen schools (one per country from every Member State of the EU) were invited to send three pupils and one teacher to take part in a simulated plenary session of the Committee, at our Brussels headquarters, and today they arrived. Tomorrow will get the opportunity not only to have their voices heard at the heart of Europe, but also to discover friends and allies among their counterparts in every EU country. The event itself is just one part of the programme. Between January and March 2012, EESC members in every country made personal visits to these schools, to explain more about the European Union and the Committee itself, and encourage the involvement of a large number of students. It’s going to be fun!