This is my last post from Florence. I cannot leave without writing something about our hosts, the Istituto degli Innocenti and its President, Alessandra Maggi. Not only is the Ospedale an architectural and cultural jewel (designed by Brunelleschi, decorated by della Robbia, paintings by Botticelli and Ghirlandaio), but it is also, as one of the earliest examples of philanthropy and the beginnings of the welfare state, a perfectly appropriate location for a conference devoted to the theme of combating social exclusion. In fact, the Ospedale was one of the first foundlings’ homes in Europe. Abandoned babies were wet-nursed and weaned and then taught to read and write and apprenticed to various skills in preparation for their re-integration into society (indeed, the plenary sessions of our conference were held in what used to be the boys’ dormitory). It cannot have been easy to have hosted a major international conference in what is now a popular museum but the Istituto and its President managed with elegant and unflappable equanimity. Grazie.
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