Recently (5 February), I published a post about the excellent book co-authored by the President of the EESC’s Group, Henri Malosse; Il faut sauver le citoyen Européen. Denis Healey once remarked about the ‘hinterland’ of politicians, his own cultural hinterlands being poetry and photography. By analogy, EU – and EESC- officials frequently have important cultural hinterlands; commited to the ’cause’, highly-qualified, polyglot, and sensitive to cultural identities, it is easy to see why so many EU officials have cultural activities outside the ‘day job’. For obvious reasons, I’m particularly interested in those who write. So here are a few of the recent publications of EESC officials. Andrea Pierucci, by day the Head of the President’s Private Office, has written, together with Giancarlo Vilella, a book entitled Il Futuro dell’Europa – Antagonismo, Innovazione e Strategie dell’Unione Europea (Pendragon). Domenico Cosmai, for a long time a translator at the Committee and now working in the General Affairs Directorate managing inter alia the work flow of documents for translation, has published a second edition of Tradurre per l’Unione Europea (Hoepli). At another level, Peter Lindvald Nielsen, Head of the EESC’s Communication Department, has published a personal account of hunting adventures with his father, Pa jagt med Peter ( Since I can’t read Danish, I won’t pretend that I have read it, but those who have testify to its touching descriptions. Europe; endless!
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