The enlarged Presidency, composed of the Committee’s President, two Vice-Presidents and the three Group Presidents could be described as the Bureau’s preparatory body. Originally informal, its role is now recognised in the Committee’s rules of procedure and is to my mind a pragmatic response to the steady increase in the size of the Committee’s Bureau (39 members currently). This morning’s breakfast meeting therefore focussed primarily on the agenda of the afternoon’s Bureau meeting, but there were also several general political discussions. In the margins of the meeting Luca Jahier, the President of the Various Interests Group, generously presented me with a copy of a just-published book (Libro bianco sul Terzo settore, edited by Stefano Zamagni, il Mulino, 2011) in which he has authored the concluding chapter on the European dimension of the third sector. This was a double pleasure since, as readers of this blog will know, many moons ago Stefano Zamagni (a Bologna-based economist) once taught a young Martin Westlake.
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