It’s a plenary week again already and so the Committee is in the habitual rhythm of management board, pre-session and enlarged Presidency meetings (Monday) and Bureau meeting (this afternoon). All went smoothly but there was nevertheless a sad tinge to this afternoon’s meeting. It was the penultimate meeting of the current Bureau. The next meeting of this Bureau will be a special one, held on the eve of the elections of the new President and Bureau for the remaining two-and-a-half years of the current 2010-2015 mandate. Because of that, today’s meeting heard reports from the two Vice-Presidents, Jacek Krawczyk and Anna Maria Darmanin, on their presidencies of, respectively, the Budget Group and the Communication Group, and took note of the end of term reports of the the Sections and the Consultative Commission on Industrial Change and the Quaestors and the categories, and so on. There was also a full load of the Bureau’s traditional business in preparing tomorrow’s plenary session.
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