Sepi blog

President Sepi

President Sepi

Mario Sepi, the President of the EESC, yesterday started a blog. Hurrah! You can visit it here. The first post is about the financial crisis and the Stability Pact. This afternoon and tomorrow, as it happens, the Committee is hosting a big conference about the consequences of the financial crisis and ways to rebuild the European social market economy (it is one of President Sepi’s flagship events). I’ll almost certainly write a separate post about the Conference proceedings. In the meantime, if you’re interested, you can find out more about it here.


  1. Blog Sceptic

    Glad he’s blogging, but what about the design!?! Ooof. Makes your site look positively dashing Martin! 🙂

  2. ian st john

    dear martin
    thank you for the christmas card and recent cutting regarding the closure of Colindale. The demise of Colindale is a serious loss: it always had a strange atmosphere and the staff specialised in a gruff and off-hand manner that made you feel grateful when any material you ordered arrived, but it had a kind of 1950s charm and class atmosphere and to think that such a major institution will just disappear – apparently due to a lapse of lease – just reminds us why Britain is such an awful country. But i guess most of us have grown to have no faith in public institutions.
    Im pleased to hear there may be some life in the Kinnock biography yet. Perhaps the elevation of Joe Biden will stimulate some interest in the roots of his oratory. Im currently engaged in a biography of Gladstone to complement my Disraeli book.
    i gather that you are busy and well and enjoying your work and i hope this continues.
    All my best wishes

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