To the launch of a book co-authored by Henri Malosse, the President of the EESC’s Employers’ Group. Henri invited me to say a few introductory words, which I was very glad to do. The other author is Bruno Vever who was, for a long time, a very active member of the Committee. ‘Il Faut Sauver le Citoyen Européen’ is a timely book and an important one. In a nutshell, Plan A (the Constitutional Treaty) and Plan B (the Lisbon Treaty) haven’t worked. Even if Lisbon is duly ratified and implemented, it won’t work properly without much fuller involvement of the European citizen – a ‘Plan C’. Henri and Bruno, both militant Europeans, set out various proposals to encourage the European citizen back into a process that has become too technocratic and administrative. In effect, the EU needs a soul. This book doesn’t claim to have all the answers but it certainly raises all the right questions.
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