One of her many successes
From the Cooperation Agreement I hotfooted it to the farewell drinks party for the Austrian lady, Antonia Kuehnel, who has until now been in charge of the Committee’s cultural activities. She is what is termed a ‘detached national expert’, seconded to us by her own national civil service and, sadly, it is now time for her to return to Vienna. Antonia has been the perfect colleague. Almost single-handedly, she has irrigated our corridors, meeting rooms and larger spaces with beauty and innovation; she has brought literary lunches to our terrace, she has brought striking images to our walls and she has made the Committee a better place to be for its members and its staff. Her colleagues in the communication department made a DVD for her to take back with her, and all of those who have worked with her, including me, were interviewed and spliced into the film. It’s a lovely way to pay tribute to a lovely person.
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