This morning I had the most agreeable duty of formally declaring open the Human Resources Information Point of the EESC’s HR Directorate. Open to all EESC staff, the information point provides a welcoming team (in the picture: Luis Durán (supervisor) Teresa Iurilli and Attila Kutasi) that will answer all administrative questions and will guide colleagues through procedures and paperwork… There was a truly festive air for the occasion and I got to do something I have never done before: cut a ribbon. Our HR colleagues are unceasing in their efforts to support the Committee’s administration better and the information point is a good example of that. It is not just a matter of EESC or EU procedures. Like all expatriates, we also have to nevigate our way through local procedures and processes. The help desk, a thoroughly commendable initiative, is there to help with all of that. Well done, everybody!