To a farewell party for Zoltan Krasznai this lunchtime. In my little speech I explained that in four years of sterling service I had always followed Zoltan’s briefings to the letter and never regretted it, and I had never had to correct one of his summary records. Zoltan was also responsible for introducing me to the fascinations of bee-keeping and I shall miss his pots of home-produce honey close to the kettle in our kitchen. Having said my farewells to Zoltan, I went on to a second farewell party, a retirement one this time. Louisa Ruggieri (picture), the daughter of Italian immigrants who settled near Liège, left school at the age of fourteen and worked as a hairdresser, gradually building up her own practice. A bad fall and a broken wrist made it impossible for her to maintain her studio and her address book of personal clients inevitably dwindled. So in middle age Louisa had to find a new activity. She came through the institutions to the European Economic Committee where, most recently, she worked as an usher. Louisa always brought the sunshine with her as well as the mail, and I shall miss her cheery smile. On the other hand, who could not wish her and her husband (they synchronised their retirements) a long and happy retirement together!
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