abd1This week (14-17 April), though short, was extraordinarily heavy but satisfyingly productive. It began with the usual Directors’ coordination meeting, displaced from the Monday morning, and was followed, on the Tuesday afternoon, by a meeting of the Budget Group. At the same time, at a political level, the Committee hosted a meeting of the European Civic Forum, a meeting well-attended by representatives of the European Parliament and journalists, and which resulted in the adoption of a Manifesto for a Genuine European Civic Dialogue. The next day saw the President officially launch the EESC’s Programme for Europe in a conference in which, once again, representatives of the European Parliament’s political groups, were well represented. The whole of the next day, Thursday, from 08.30 until 18.30, was spent in interviewing candidates for the post of Director of Finance. This is a key strategic post for the Committee and we are determined to get our decision right. This week was illustrative of the sorts of different tasks and roles that SGs are expected to perform: chairing the Directors, overseeing the budgetary process (though once we’ve got our director I can relinquish that role), accompanying the President, chairing recruitment panels.