Our Christmas Eve film was Steven Spielberg’s 2002 Catch Me If You Can, starring Leonardo Di Caprio and Tom Hanks. The film fairly faithfully follows the extraordinary but true life story of Frank Abagnale Jr who, before he was even nineteen, had earned himself millions of dollars as a confidence trickster, posing variously as an airline pilot, lawyer and doctor. He made most of his money through fake cheques and it was his skill as a forger that would both see him imprisoned and later reincarnated as a multi-millionaire adviser to the FBI and the banking sector. Di Caprio turns in a strong and utterly believable performance as a young man who, as Hanks’s detective realises, is still really a lonely boy who wanted to impress his father and bring his divorcing parents back together again. The father dies and there is no home to go back to. But the film, as the real life, nevertheless ends on an upbeat note.