The last time I visited the Acropolis it was, thanks to our Greek hosts, an unforgettable night time visit, with the illuminated Parthenon and the Nike temple standing out against the surrounding darknesses of where, our guide explained, ancient Athens had once bustled. This time we did it under a blazing afternoon sun and the scale of the challenge facing the restorers was much clearer. In 1687, during the Venetian siege of the Acropolis, General Francesco Morosini bombarded the Parthenon with cannon fire. The Turks were using the temple as an arsenal at the time and the ensuing explosion demolished much of it. The city later put some of the temple back together, but they did so wrongly, and now with modern techniques the restorers are gradually taking the temple apart and putting it back together again. It being night time, I had not realised on my previous visit just how much of a massive jigsaw puzzle the top of the Acropolis is. I hope my picture provides a small illustration of the scale of the task confronting the restorers…