After the Bureau I attended the opening of an exhibition at the Committee entitled ‘I culori d’umani’, an event jointly organised, at the initiative of Henri Malosse, President of the Employers’ Group, by the Committee and the Association for a Corsican Foundation. The exhibition is composed of paintings and sculptures by artists promoting intercultural dialogue (the sub-title of the exhibition’s theme is ‘my country needs yours’). The President of the AFC is Jean-François Bernardini who is perhaps better known as the lead singer of the Corsican group I Muvrini. The group first made its name through the distinctive polyphonic vocals characteristic of their beautiful island though, it has to be said, more and more electronica (I suppose I mean electric guitars and synthesisers) has crept in over the years. Bernardini spoke poetically about the cause – intercultural understanding – he had come to promote and used a metaphor about the European integration process that I rather liked. The poor old industrious bumble bee’s scientific impossibility of flying has been done to death. Nevertheless, the European Union is a little like that; maybe it shouldn’t fly, but it does.
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