This morning the EESC welcomed to its premises a committee that brings together all of those working on internet site content in the European Union’s different institutions. This Interinstitutional Editorial Committee goes under the nippy abbreviation of ‘CEiii’ and it was my pleasure to welcome the committee and its members, from Luxembourg and Strasbourg as well as from Brussels, to the EESC today. I put the stress on the importance of interinstitutional cooperation not just as a desirable forum for synergies but as a moral imperative, above all in a time of scarce resources and a period of austerity. The CEiii is a good example of that imperative at work and so, I argued, was the headquarters building of the EESC and the Committee of the Regions since, as I never tire of pointing out, the two advisory bodies set an excellent example to the other institutions not only by sharing a lot of their resources, including buildings, but by cooperating as closely as they possibly can in order to achieve synergies and economies.